


App Development

Flexible App
Design & Development

We have worked on Big Data applications with high end interactions and complex modular features, utilizing PhoneGap technology for mobile devices to save on multiple platform specific codebases, ensuring easy maintenance and cost effective development.



We utilize Agile development strategies with planned sprints and rapid feature development.



Our applications are modular and scalable allowing additional features added with ease.



We understand the project specifications can change throughout the development lifecycle and are happy to accommodate these.



Reliability and performance are paramount to the deployment of our applications.

Sleek application development for the Web and Mobile platforms, save time any money with a single deployable build

About our Services

Everything we build is an application of a form or type, our web development outputs sites and applications, our game development outputs game applications, eLearning media are educational applications.

This section is dedicated to general application development, it could embody applications for accounting, drawing, messaging and of the other types in circulation today. The technology used for the application would be dependant of the deployment and distribution platforms for the application.

Some Companies we have worked with.

We have worked on projects for and supplied developer to large Agencies and Corporations to help deliver their applications.

application framework developmentapplication development for interactive video playerInternal intranet based application managerOnline health check application for the health serviceAgile software development for an insurance applicationA connectivity application for displaying device compatibility

Enterprise Level Applications

We have the capacity to create advanced web based applications and specifically build with a Mobile First methodology. This ensures applications are scalable across differing screens sizes.

Example Applications can be see below.

application for mobile and tablet deviceslandscape view tablet application

Mobile Applications

When dealing with mobile applications we are moving away from the native development tools for iOS and Android such as XCode and Objective C and Android Java SDK, in favour of PhoneGap, this is due to the simplicity of deploying across multiple platforms with a single codebase. This ability saves on the immense cost of implementing and maintaining multiple application versions, it offers the ability for a single developer to work on applications that will be deployed across all available Android and iOS platforms.

Phonegap mobile application development
Desktop Applications

For Desktop applications the technologies used would be either Electron, allowing multiple cross platform deployments, or a NodeJS application, again supporting a single codebase with multiple deployment capabilities.

Electron application development
Web Apps

Web Applications are developed in PHP, NodeJS and JavaScript, what defines a "web application" from a web "site" is the flow and feel. Web sites generally work with pages, page requests, moving from one browser page to another. Some may argue that web applications are also bound by this page request structure.

Impela Web applications, provide the flow and dynamic nature of desktop and mobile applications by supplying the entire application on a single page (SPA), using our in-house developed A.I.M. application architecture as discussed in the Web Development section we can swiftly and easily develop and deploy applications with consistency and to uncompromising standards.

Let Us Know

Not sure of the direction your application should take, call and speak to a consultant who will be happy to discuss your application needs, which technologies would be most appropriate, which platforms are being targeted and the general time estimates that might facilitate the deployment of your product.